
AVVision Session Code: tg5r4

AVVision Session accepts both 1) RA-L with IROS'21 and 2) IROS'21 only papers. Authors of IROS'21 only papers will need to select Organized Session Paper and input the SESSION CODE above for submission. After an AVVision Session paper (either an RA-L with IROS'21 paper or an IROS'21 only paper) is submitted, the authors of that paper should send the submission ID to the session organizers ( ASAP.

Papers must be formatted according to the instructions in the IEEE IROS 2021 Guidelines. Please submit papers via the customary Paper Plaza System using AVVision Session Code: tg5r4.

Please read the entire submission guidelines carefully to verify that your paper document is formatted correctly and that you have all the information you need before starting your paper submission. The submission guidelines contain detailed instructions on formatting your document and completing the submission process, as well as a description of how the review process works and how to prepare for your presentation at the conference if your paper is accepted.

More details can be found at


For questions/remarks regarding the submission e-mail: